Biden's chance: scare voters about Trump, a felon; stress abortion rights
Joe Biden cannot win this election. But he still has a chance to beat Donald Trump.
A clear majority of voters don't want another four years of a President they believe is too old. A well run, carefully selective and relentlessly negative campaign might convince enough of these voters the alternative is worse.
With the unanimous and relatively quick verdict of a Manhattan jury, Trump is a convicted felon. Most Republican office holders predictably assailed the verdict and it may only intensify support from the MAGA base. As it sinks in that the Republican presidential candidate is a felon, it likely will give pause to some soft or undecided voters.
The Biden team, however, still has a lot of work to do.
Tamp down the talk about the good economy; the "Are you better off than four years ago?" is a non-starter. Most Americans are, but with the cost of living, they don't believe it.
Talking about a vision for the second term won't work. The electorate doesn't associate an 80-something-year-old with vision.
The Biden campaign complains about the influential New York Times' focus on age. Recently I've talked to scores of voters, a majority Democrats or Independents. Most don't read the Times. Invariably they bring up the age issue. They see the President on television.
For starters,