James and Al are joined by two political giants from critical swing states - Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan - to discuss the situation on the ground with only a few days to go until the election.
Which counties are make or break for Biden? Will he be able to flip both states and expand the map? And perhaps most importantly, when will we know either way?
Listen and find out what the War Room predicts for November 3rd!
Gov. Whitmer’s article ‘The Plot to Kidnap Me’ in The Atlantic
Register for the FREE Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Live Event
Thursday 29 Oct at 7:00 ET - James and Al will be talking to David Shribman live at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Election 2020 Online Town Meeting.
Email your questions to James and Al at POLITICSWARROOM@GMAIL.COM
or tweet them to @POLITICON
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